Archive for October 27th, 2009

What are Enzymes? Why Use Enzyme Based Cleaners?

October 27, 2009

What are Enzymes?

·  Enzymes are proteins

  • They are present in all living cells
  • They take part in the breakdown of food materials

·  Enzymes are catalysts

  • Enzymes are specific
  • Proteases can break down several types of protein

·  Enzymes are very efficient catalysts

  • In one minute one enzyme molecule can catalyze the breakdown of five million molecules of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen

·  Enzymes are part of a sustainable environment

  • Enzymes are present in all biological systems. They come from natural systems and when they are degraded, the amino acids of which they are made can be readily absorbed back into nature.

·  Enzymes are at work in our bodies

Why Use Enzyme Based Cleaners?

  • Enzymes can be used to replace harsh conditions and harsh chemicals, thus saving energy and preventing pollution.
  • Enzymes themselves are biodegradable, so they are readily absorbed back into nature.

For more information go to

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