Posts Tagged ‘cancer’

What are Enzymes? Why Use Enzyme Based Cleaners?

October 27, 2009

What are Enzymes?

·  Enzymes are proteins

  • They are present in all living cells
  • They take part in the breakdown of food materials

·  Enzymes are catalysts

  • Enzymes are specific
  • Proteases can break down several types of protein

·  Enzymes are very efficient catalysts

  • In one minute one enzyme molecule can catalyze the breakdown of five million molecules of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen

·  Enzymes are part of a sustainable environment

  • Enzymes are present in all biological systems. They come from natural systems and when they are degraded, the amino acids of which they are made can be readily absorbed back into nature.

·  Enzymes are at work in our bodies

Why Use Enzyme Based Cleaners?

  • Enzymes can be used to replace harsh conditions and harsh chemicals, thus saving energy and preventing pollution.
  • Enzymes themselves are biodegradable, so they are readily absorbed back into nature.

For more information go to

Let me know your thoughts on this blog and your experiences with “green’ cleaning products.

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Five Questions to Ask About Your Household Cleaners. Are They Safe?

October 18, 2009

1) Do you use cleaning products in your home?

  • Whether you use them or hire a cleaning service to clean your house, you could be using products that contribute to cancer, memory loss and more.
  • If you clean your home you have control of the products but if you use a cleaning service, many times you don’t know what toxic substances they could be bringing into your home.

2) Do you know what is in the cleaning products you are using?

  • There are no labeling laws in the U.S. or Canada that require companies, that manufacture cleaning products, to list their ingredients. They only thing they have to put on the label are items that could blow up or catch on fire.
  • Watch the attached video, “Toxic Brew” to understand the issues with regards to labeling and the toxicity of the products you may be using. Although this was produced in Canada but it is relevant to the US. As mentioned above, there are no labeling laws with regard to cleaning products in the US.

3) Is it important to you to use products that don’t harm you or the environment?

  • With the increase in awareness about “green” products many people have decided to do what they can to help save the environment for their children and future generations. If you find yourself in this group, thank you for your efforts to protect not only yourselves, your children, but also the world.

4) Are all “green” products safe?

  • This is where we get sucked into the marketing hype of the major manufactures. They believe that if they say they are “green” and put “green” on the label that we will just believe them and buy the products.
  • I doing research, I found companies that made regular cleaning products and brought out “green” alternatives. Their “green” products still contain ingredients that are considered toxic for the environment. If they are toxic to the environment, they must be toxic for you and your families!

5) If you could find products that are non-toxic and safe for you and the environment, would you buy them?

  • A new company, wowgreen™, has created products that use enzymes to eat away the bacteria and grit and grime in your home and are safe for you, your family, and the environment. These products are now available through independent distributors in your area.
  • For information about these products in San Jose, CA and the surrounding areas you can contact me at

Let me know your thoughts on this blog and your experiences with cleaning products, good and bad.

For more information on Eco Safe Cleaning products connect with me through Twitter:

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